At one Glance

& Advanced
Health Care

Receive reliable and affordable medical services performed with compassion and dedication.

Cardiac Catheterization and Vascular Center (Cathlab)

Experience the highest standard of care at Unihealth Southwoods Hospital and Medical Center. With our cutting-edge technology and expert medical staff, we are dedicated to providing advanced treatments for a wide range of health conditions. Your heart and vascular health are our priority.


Heart Station

The USHMC Heart Station provides diagnostic procedures needed for the evaluation of patients with suspected or unknown heart-related disorders. It is equipped with state-of-the-art machines, with highly experienced cardiologists and technologists to provide accurate results and high levels of patient satisfaction through safe quality care.


List of Procedures:

  • ECG Adult and Pedia
  • 2D-Echo Doppler Adult and Pedia 
  • 2D-Echo Plain Adult
  • Fetal Echo
  • 24-Hour Ambulatory BP
  • 24-Hour Holter Monitoring
  • Carotid Duplex Scan
  • Venous Duplex Scan
  • Arterial and Venous Duplex Scan (Lower Extremities)
  • Stress Test
  • 24-Hour Ambulatory Monitoring


A continuous, 24-Hour Holter Monitoring records and tracks your heart’s activity during daily routines, helping diagnose irregular heart rhythms and other cardiac conditions.

This helps the cardiologist know how a patient’s heart will respond to physical stress and assess symptoms such as chest pain and palpitations to determine whether the problem is coming from the heart. Also, the test will determine if the patient is likely to develop coronary artery disease.

Eye Center

Unihealth-Southwoods Eye Center (USEC) first opened on October 13, 2021. USEC was incorporated as partnership between Calamba Eye Center and Unihealth-Southwoods Hospital and Medical Center (USHMC), two well-known healthcare providers in Laguna.

Our Eye Center offers comprehensive eye care services for patients of all ages provided by our experienced team of eye doctors to diagnose and treat a wide variety of eye conditions. From eye check-ups to technical surgical procedures, we are committed to helping you take care of your eyes.


  • Comprehensive Opthalmology
  • Pediatric Opthalmology
  • Cataract
  • Retina Diseases
  • Glaucoma
  • Orbit Plastic Lacrimal
  • Low Vision and Rehabilitation
  • Biometry
  • Automated Visual Field (Perimetry)
  • Laser
  • Optical Coherence Tomography
  • Ocuplastic Surgery
  • Strabimus Surgery
  • Glaucoma Surgery
  • Minor Surgery
  • Comprehensive Ophthalmology
  • Cataract and Refractive
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic, Vitreo-Retina and Macular Diseases
  • Pediatric and Strabismus
  • Low Vision and Rehabilitation
  • Oculoplastic, Lacrimal and Orbital Surgery

Clinic Hours:

  • Monday to Saturday 8am-5pm

For eye center concerns and schedule of Ophthalmologist, you may reach this number 0995-6312-2405, please look for Ms. Alona or Ms. Camile. OR you may check our Doctor’s Schedule page

For Cataract Surgery candidates:

  • If you are using your HMO card for consultation or cataract surgery, read our guidelines on this page.
  • If you are a candidate for cataract surgery and you are a PhilHealth member, check the requirements for pre-approval on this page.

Rehabilitation Medicine

Our Rehabilitation Medicine Department offers physical therapy and occupational therapy services carried out by our licensed therapists to help patients of all ages with numerous conditions such as sports or work-related injuries, orthopedic conditions, neurological conditions, body pain, or musculoskeletal disorders.

Physical Therapy Services

Helps decrease pain and improves mobility of the spine.

Provides deep heat to decrease pain and promotes healing to injured soft tissues which includes muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments.

TENS is used to help decrease pain around tissue. Electrical Stimulator promotes muscle contraction that helps injured muscles to relearn how to function properly.

Heating modalities helps to increase circulation to injured muscular tissues, promotes muscle relaxation and provides relief from pain.

Specifically designed exercise that helps patients remediate or prevent impairment; improve, restore or enhance physical function; prevent or reduce health-related risk factor, and optimize overall health status, fitness, and sense of well-being.

Use of therapeutic techniques that helps patients with impaired movement, balance, coordination, decreased kinesthetic sense and impaired proprioception.

Used to treat chronic, sub-acute and acute conditions. Promotes regeneration and reparative process of the bones, tendons and other soft tissues.

Occupational Therapy Services

Exercises that will engage patient to become independent on daily activities such as bathing, feeding, dressing, self-care and cooking.

Activities that enhance and permit hand/finger movement and coordination such as picking, grasping, releasing and pinching for both pediatrics and geriatrics patients in preparation for Activities of Daily Living retraining.

Oral/Tongue exercises for patient with difficulty in swallowing.

Specifically designed neurodevelopmental training that will help pediatric patient with delayed motor problem.

Activities that will enhance attention span, concentration and frustration tolerance for patient with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral problems.


  • Please make an appointment with our Rehabilitation Department by calling us at: 0955-958-1970 or 0932-429-4196.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and follow all the instructions to be given by our PT staff.

Diabetes Center

Established in September 2017, the USHMC Diabetes Center is a specialized clinic catering to both newly diagnosed and long-term diabetes patients. Guided by our expert IM-Diabetologists, the center fosters an environment that actively involves the patients in their own diabetes management.

Our goal is to empower patients with the correct knowledge and tools that they can use to effectively manage their diabetes and improve their overall health and quality of life.


Teaching and guiding diabetes patients on how to manage their condition including general background of diabetes, possible symptoms, symptom management, proper medication intake, monitoring methods, diet, and exercise.

Guidance on healthy eating habits and portion control and meal suggestions to help control blood sugar levels.

Conducts foot examinations to identify and prevent complications that may arise due to their diabetes condition and suggests proper foot care such as treatments, footwear, and skin care.

Guidance on how to exercise safely and effectively to help control blood sugar and improve overall health. This includes exercise intensity, duration, and frequency as well as types of exercises allowed.

Continuous Blood Glucose (CBG) Monitoring uses advanced medical technology to continuously track blood sugar levels throughout the day and receive real- time data to help make informed decisions regarding insulin dosing and any lifestyle adjustments.

Teaches patients about types of insulin, how to administer them, and troubleshooting methods. This also includes customized insulin regimens based on the patient’s needs and blood sugar level patterns.

The Diabetes Center is located at the 6th Floor Outpatient Department, Room 601.

Diabetes Center Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00AM to 12:00NN 1:00PM to 5:00PM

To know if you need Diabetes Education, please talk to your doctor.

Pulmonary Department

The Pulmonary Unit provides respiratory function assessments, respiratory therapy, and special monitoring procedures needed for the diagnosis and treatment of various respiratory diseases and chronic illnesses.


Oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood as well as the acidity and bicarbonate levels are measured to assess the lung function.

The following tests assess how well the lungs inhale and exhale air. They are used to diagnose respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, and pulmonary fibrosis.

Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) aids patients in keeping airways open and prevent them from collapsing while sleeping. These is typically used to treat sleep apnea.

This medicine administration method allows patients to directly intake medicine to the lungs in the form of very fine mist. It is typically used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, and cystic fibrosis.

High-Flow Nasal Cannula oxygen therapy (HFNC) is a respiratory support modality that supplies high levels of oxygen through a nasal cannula, providing active humidification and high flows that improve carbon dioxide clearance.

This is a machine used as a tool to help patients breathe by mechanically pushing air in and out of the lungs. This is typically used when a patient is in critical care due to severe respiratory failure.

  • Neonatal
  • Pediatric
  • Adult

Incentive Spirometer is a medical device that helps your lungs recover after surgery or a lung illness as it also prevents the lungs from further complications.

Chest Physiotherapy is a machine that works by using vibration or by applying percussion to the area of the lungs to effectively loosen up mucus make it easier to expel.

For inquiries, call our Pulmonary Department Staff at (02) 775 2861, (02) 861 6386 or (02) 775 2815 loc. 112. Mobile no.: 0932-549-9280

Specialized Treatments

From minimally invasive procedures to more complex surgeries, USHMC offers specialty procedures that help diagnose and treat complex medical conditions to improve the quality of life and general health of our patients.


Endoscopy allows for a hassle-free examination of your digestive tract through the use of a flexible tube with a light and camera attached to it. It can be used to diagnose gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory conditions, and gynecological issues.

This surgical procedure is performed to treat spine-related conditions or complications such as herniated disks or fractures. Surgical services are available for the following cases:

  • Cervical Spine Stenosis
  • Lumbar Spine Stenosis
  • Thoracic Myelopathy
  • Cervical- thoracic-lumbar Spine Disc Herniation
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Pediatric and Adult Spine Deformity Corrective Surgery
  • Pott’s Disease and Tumor
  • Decompressive Spine Surgeries
  • Spine Fracture Fixation Surgeries

Dialysis Center

The Hemodialysis Center of USHMC is located on the 2nd floor with a capacity of up to 8 patients. Its operations started in April 2016 and uses the B.Braun’s Dialog + dialysis machine.


This treatment uses a filtering process to eliminate waste products and excess fluids from the blood. This is used for patients who no longer have sufficient kidney function.

Hemodialysis Center Operating Hours:

  • Mondays to Saturdays: 6AM to 4AM
  • Sundays: On-call


Clinical Requirements:

  • Hepatitis Profile within 6 months (Anti-HBS, HBsAg, Anti-HCV)
  • Latest laboratory results
  • Latest treatment sheets from previous hemodialysis institution (3 consecutive treatments)
  • Clinical/medical abstract
  • Hemodialysis order from patient’s nephrologist


Philhealth Requirements:

  • Updated MDR (Member Data Record)
  • 2 photocopies of ID (PWD, Senior ID, etc.)
  • Original proof of contribution / official receipt
  • Certificate of PhilHealth Availment / Discharge Billing Summary from previous confinement
  • PhilHealth Dialysis Database Certificate of Registration (PDD)

Available Modes of Payment:

  • Cash
  • PhilHealth
  • PCSO
  • DSWD
  • HMO


For inquiries about our Hemodialysis service, you may call us at (02) 775-2861 loc. 201 or at 0917 653 6622.

For other inquiries, you may call our Information Staff at (02) 775 2861, (02) 861 6386 or (02) 775 2815.

OR you can check our Doctor’s Schedule page [link to Drs Sched page] to check the availability of your preferred doctor.

Laboratory Department

The USHMC Laboratory Department is a full-service clinical laboratory performing routine and specialized diagnostic testing services for physicians and patients. USHMC Laboratory Department has established a reputation known for prompt, personal touch, accurate test results using the latest state-of-the-art technology for the best in quality at the best price.

Its service model is to partner with the best analyzers frequently. This allows us to process more specimens per hour, maintaining the highest in testing and quality control standards with minimal human interaction. The foundation of our laboratory is the quality of our results, which is why we have extensive quality control programs and procedures implemented throughout our specimen processing workflow.

Packages Offered

  • FBS
  • BUN
  • Creatinine
  • Lipid Profile
  • Uric Acid
  • FBS
  • BUN
  • Creatinine
  • Lipid Profile
  • Uric Acid
  • SGPT
  • SGOT
  • FBS
  • BUN
  • Creatinine
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Lipid Profile
  • Uric Acid
  • SGPT
  • SGOT
  • CBC with platelet count
  • Urinalysis
  • Blood typing with RH
  • FBS (Fasting blood sugar)
  • Hepatitis B Screening (HbsAg)
  • HIV Test 1 & 2
  • TSH
  • Free T3
  • Free T4

Radiology Department

Accurate imaging is important to achieve correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Our Radiology Department offers imaging services using state-of-the-art medical technologies and equipment operated by experienced radiologists to ensure the most precise results.


The mobile C-arms has been helping surgeons in orthopedic, urology and emerging surgical procedures.

Multix Select DR is a brand new and economic digital radiography system which represents affordability, robust system design and high quality. The Multix Select DR can easily accommodate different examination conditions with one single detector. The integration of the mobile flat detector and the imaging station takes full advantage of the benefits of digital radiology.

Polymobil Plus is the powerful entry-level analog mobile X-ray machine with simple to use, well-proven features for streamlined operation. It offers high image quality.

The Acuson X300 Ultrasound System PE is a compact machine which delivers exceptional clinical performance across a wide variety of applications. This comprehensive, fully featured system incorporates high-end image optimization techniques and enhanced workflow features to meet the challenges of the most demanding care environments.

  • Cranial Ultrasound
  • Neck/Thyroid Ultrasound
  • Chest/Chest Mapping Ultrasound
  • Whole Abdomen Ultrasound
  • Transrectal/Transvaginal Ultrasound
  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
  • Doppler Ultrasound
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Ultrasound Guided Biopsy

16-Slice Somatom Emotion is famous for its great versatility and high performance from exam set-up to image acquisition and processing, and will give you high frequency in delivering high quality clinical outcomes. It has innovative-dose saving features such as iris, care dose4d and dosemap and combines the best possible image quality at the lowest possible dose. 16-Slice Somatom Emotion gets leading image quality, as it delivers a very small focal spot and thus outstanding routine spatial resolution.

List of Procedures:

  • Extremities Plain  
  • Cervical Plain     
  • Lumbar Plain        
  • Thoracic Plain                
  • Cranial Plain
  • Pituitary Plain          
  • Pelvis Plain             
  • Whole Abdomen Plain

Important Guidelines:

  • For your safety, children may not accompany patients during the procedure.
  • Please inform the staff if you are pregnant. Most imaging procedures are not performed on pregnant women.
  • If you are an asthmatic, please bring your inhaler.

For inquiries, call our Radiology Staff at (02) 775 2861, (02) 861 6386 or (02) 775 2815 loc. 110. Mobile no.: 0917-708-4874

OR you may check our Doctor’s Schedule page

Outpatient Department

The UHSMC Outpatient Department provides comprehensive range of medical and surgical outpatient services. It is manned by both our OPD Staff and our world-class Medical Specialists.

Consultation with the following:

  • General Ophthalmology
  • Cataract & Refractive
  • Pedia Ophtha & Strabismus
  • Glaucoma Screening
  • Diabetic & Hypertensive Retinopathy Screening
  • Skin, Hair and Nails Consultation 
  • Acne Surgery
  • Cystic Acne Injection
  • Acne Scars Revision
  • Milia Extraction
  • Chemical Peels
  • Diamond Peel
  • Warts Removal
  • Syringoma Removal
  • Skin Tags Removal
  • Keloids Scars Injection
  • Punch Biopsy
  • Melasma Treatment
  • Other Aesthetic & Pathologic Treatments

Corporate/Industrial Accounts

In line with our commitment to provide quality medical care to corporations and their employees and staff, we are encouraging companies to be accredited partners of Unihealth-Southwoods Hospital and Medical Center. 

Interested companies may submit the following documents to the Marketing Department:

For inquiries, call our Marketing Specialist at 02-7752861 loc.336.

You can also send an email to

HMO & Medical Insurances

Unihealth Southwoods Hospital and Medical Center partners with leading HMO and insurance providers to ensure accessible, high-quality healthcare for you and your family.

Our HMO Office is open from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 8pm.

Steps in Getting Your Consultation Approved:

  1. Ask our Information Desk if your preferred doctor is accredited by your HMO.
  2. If your preferred doctor is accredited by your HMO, go straight to our HMO touch screen queue machine located at the corner of the HMO Office and tap the information needed so you can get your ticket or queue number.
  3. Wait for your number to be called by the HMO staff (during off-peak hours) or look up at the TV display above the queue machine and wait for your number to blink.
  4. When your number is called or when it blinks on the TV display, proceed to the HMO Receiving Window and present your HMO card and one valid ID for verification.
  5. Once your consultation or test is approved, you will be called again to claim your IDs and referral at the HMO Releasing Window. The HMO staff will then give instruction on your next step.


Steps in Getting your Diagnostic or Medical Procedure Approved:

  1. Bring your diagnostic test request or referral, with your HMO card and one valid ID to our HMO Office for verification.
  2. If your test requires scheduling, the HMO staff will instruct you to go to the testing clinic to get an appointment. After securing the time and date, return to the HMO office to have your schedule evaluated. Once approved, you will sign a Letter of Authorization, which you must bring when you return to the hospital on your testing day.
  3. If your test does not require scheduling, the HMO staff will ask you to sign a Letter of Authorization, after which you may immediately proceed to the testing clinic to get your test done.



If you are below 18 years old, you must be accompanied by a guardian or parent, who will be asked to sign a Letter of Authorization by your HMO.

For inquiries, you may call our HMO Office directly at (02) 775 0361.

For our information desk, call or text 0917 871 3159 or 0925 803 7725.

List of Accredited HMOs

  • AsianCare
  • AsianLife
  • Avega
  • BenLife / Starcare
  • CareHealth Plus
  • Carewell
  • Cocolife
  • Dynamic Care
  • EastWest Healthcare
  • Flexicare
  • Generali Pilipinas
  • HPPI
  • Insular Health Care
  • Intellicare
  • Kaiser International Healthgroup Inc.
  • Lacson and Lacson
  • Maxicare
  • MedaAsia Philippines
  • Medicard
  • Medicare Plus
  • Pacific Cross
  • Philcare
  • Philippine British
  • ValuCare
Why Choose USHMC

Holistic Healthcare You can Trust

Comprehensive Healthcare

USHMC offers a wide variety of medical services from basic consultations to specialized care.

Highly-Skilled Medical Staff

USHMC has dedicated and experienced medical professionals with a variety of expertise who are ready to help.

Modern Facilities & Equipment

USHMC is equipped with up-to-date facilities and medical technologies to ensure effective and high quality medical care.

Patient-Centered Care

USHMC's medical care is tailored to put your satisfaction, comfort, and well-being first.